Dec 30, 20185 min read
Komodo: Here Be Dragons!
The Hunt-Lennox globe map of approximately 1510 is thought to be the first that used the phrase ‘hic sunt dracones’(here be dragons !)....
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Dec 15, 20186 min read
Noisy Neighbours
Ask most people about pollution and they will think of plastic, oil, smog, and chemicals. Ironically one of the biggest forms of...
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Nov 30, 20184 min read
Coffee, Perfume and Fur Coats: The Life of the Civet
What do coffee, fur coats, and perfume have in common? All three industries exploit civets. There are thought to be around 20 species of...
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Nov 18, 20186 min read
Nowhere To Run, Nowhere To Hide
The geographic ranges of most plant and animal species are limited by climatic factors, including temperature, precipitation, soil...
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